Love the chikin, hate the political views?
Jumping in to the "chikin" debate like the good little lemming that I am, I have to be up-front about my appreciation for the products of the somewhat infamous fast food chain. I generally avoid red meat and I love the pseudo-healthy alternative. The fact that there's a location on the university campus about a block away from my clinic (ie, work) makes it all the more convenient, and the friendly employees start my grilled chicken on wheat with a side of slaw as soon as they see me walk in the door. But yes, for the last week I've been opting instead for the poorer alternative of hospital cafeteria food with their friendly yet lacking service (they rarely get my order right, and I order the same damn thing every time I go in). Sure, it probably doesn't make that much of a difference, and yes, I might go back once the storm dies down a bit, but I also wonder if that storm is a bit, well... overblown.
I'm of two minds here: Dan Cathy's views are hateful and disgusting, but it worries me that cities like Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco are banning the chain. I mean, yeah, it feels good to have someone stand up for you to a bully, but I agree with NYC's Mayor Bloomburg that it would be inappropriate for government to step in when no law has been broken, and I'm very curious to see how these bans hold up. My decision last week to avoid the chain is much like my decision not to maintain relationships with people from my past lives who hold similarly homophobic ideas. But those beliefs don't make them any less human or any less entitled to the same basic rights. I mean, isn't that what we're fighting for anyway? How could we, the LGBT community, deny someone the same rights we wish to have?
Now if only everyone could be so open minded...