go postle.

pardon my dust. i'm turning it into glitter.

Hi, I'm Chris. If you subscribe to the MBTI, I'm an INFJ. I put myself through school for a seemingly useless English/Creative Writing degree, but writing is my passion and that's what I want to do when I grow up. Still figuring out what comes next, and pretty much everything else, so I'm feeling kinda adventurous. And yes, that's exactly how my OkCupid profile starts out. Why mess with a good thing, eh?

The site's a work in progress. I'll be adding content over time, and hopefully eventually it'll evolve into something halfway interesting. I'm glad you're still reading, though. Usually by this point I have to show a little skin to keep 'em interested.

this one time at church camp...

      oh my. xanga, i need you. haha. i just told rora i was sick of unloading here and now i'm about to do it again (sorta). i'm not really sure why i'm so exhausted, but the last week and a half i've just been drained. the camp definitely took it out of me, but i don't think that was all of it. i don't know. i've worked the last couple days and struggled just to get through those. the next couple should be interesting, especially after yesterday. so i got in an accident. completely my fault. usually i'm really careful about talking on my cell if i'm driving, being sure to pay more attention to the road than the call. i don't know if it was the circumstances surrounding this particular call or my exhaustion, but just as i flipped my phone closed i had to slam on my breaks. bang boom crash. so there was a truck stopped at this stop light. it stopped before i did. i went about two and a half feet under the truck. we pulled off into an empty lot and we both get out, my mind is racing. this guy's gonna kill me. he gets out and is wearing a papa john's hat. mmm...pizza. he looks more worried than me, "are you okay?!" he was totally cool. there was very little damage to the truck. heh. a small little scrape, about two inches long ran under his bumper. you had to look for it. my car, however, had a bigger scrape on it. the hood retained its basic shape, but it is a bit rippled. very scraped up. being sure that we both still had all our limbs we decided not to worry about insurance (if i reported it, i would lose my 20% good driver discount), shook hands, and continued on our ways. it could have been much worse. but it's just been the sort of week that when i got back in my car i had to laugh to keep from doing anything else. it's like...what's next?

      and such. so camp...that was a long week, but it was a good experience. it's quite different to see things from the staff's point of view. sunday through wednesday were a bit warm for my tastes. the kitchen was easily over 120 degrees and the a/c in our cabin was regrettably broken. then on wednesday i neglected my sunblock when enjoying a dip in the pool. the color purple would be jealous. still feeling that one. the cooking was decent, considering we were on a budget. wednesday i was able to make some excellent rolls that i was very proud of. we made over 200 (for 72 people); there were about a dozen left which were quickly snagged by a few of the female staff. thursday we made this ice cream dessert that is my new love. then friday keira and i made a three-layer cake. the cake was good. unfortunately, it was a bit warm for the icing and it kept melting on us. we finally put the whole thing in the huge walk-in cooler and decorated it in there. used about two gallons of frosting and spent over an hour in the cooler. the other side of things turned out a little different than i thought. i mentioned how it was meant to be a sort of sabbatical. at the time, no, but in retrospect it wasn't as bad as i thought. thursday i was able to serve in the evening service with verle cornish and friday i went to the final campfire, which was awesome. when i came back saturday afternoon, things were just as i left them, but there have been a few steps in the right direction, at least. it's all gravy. heh.

      i leave you with this: the frozen log does not exist.

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