go postle.

pardon my dust. i'm turning it into glitter.

Hi, I'm Chris. If you subscribe to the MBTI, I'm an INFJ. I put myself through school for a seemingly useless English/Creative Writing degree, but writing is my passion and that's what I want to do when I grow up. Still figuring out what comes next, and pretty much everything else, so I'm feeling kinda adventurous. And yes, that's exactly how my OkCupid profile starts out. Why mess with a good thing, eh?

The site's a work in progress. I'll be adding content over time, and hopefully eventually it'll evolve into something halfway interesting. I'm glad you're still reading, though. Usually by this point I have to show a little skin to keep 'em interested.


     hi. new tenebra_ruo post of the story i submitted (and wrote) today. click here or follow the link at the top. it's protected, so if you want in, just ask, and i'll think about it. please don't be offended, though, if i don't add you. it's not a club for cool people only. i don't even let my family read my stories. some of you i've already added, though. the only condition being that if you read it, i want a critique.

     i'm so tired. still recovering from the olympics, which were fun, but draining. the last few days haven't helped, though, with writing non-stop. i'm kinda sick of writing, but i'm still in the mood for it. maybe over break i'll bust out a couple more chapters. lol. after tomorrow i'll be good, though. or at least for a little while. i'm going to have a lot of work to do. two papers due the tuesday after, one fifteen-pager, one eight-pager. i really hope that this is going to be my last difficult semester. no, next semester shouldn't be bad at all, but who knows what's after that.

     kind of a crazy night. don't worry, i'm not going to get into it. i'm too tired to feel much, but it's the kind of tired that doesn't respond to sleep. then again, i did just give plasma, so that could be it, too. but i'm tired of really, really crappy relationships being the majority of the ones i have, i'm tired of just getting by, and i'm really tired of being out of shape. maybe tomorrow i can start again, but at least over break i want to start getting there. the other things, i don't know what to do to fix them.

     it was a pretty good day, though, believe it or not. i spent about four hours writing, so that's always fun (or it is when it's the sort of writing i like to do). my soul needs a nap. okay, friends, i'll talk to you later. take care.

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