nine to five at honeydukes...
harry potter is taking over my life. it's a little sad, i know. today my boss offered me tickets to a play on saturday night that he and his wife had planned on attending but couldn't. i kinda shuffled my feet a bit and looked appropriately ashamed of myself as i mumbled a sincere thanks but that i was busy...i had to read. when he and kris gave me odd looks i explained...harry potter. kris kinda rolled her eyes, but mike looked at me with a sheepish grin on his face and asked, "so what do you think's going to happen?" his response surprised both kris and me--kris kinda threw up her hands and gave an exasperated sigh, but i was just happy that standing in front of me, the only other guy in the place, was a fellow potterphile. we briefly exchanged theories then went about our business as it was a little awkward to be standing around talking hp with my boss while i was on the clock. good times, though. oh, and i almost forgot. this morning kris was admiring my pattern on the strawberries. she's said that each candy-maker has had their own design and that you could tell who made what by their style and mark. she's been encouraging me to develop my own. i decided not to tell her that the zig-zag line was inspired by a certain scar. haha. it did look pretty good, though. i'm definitely learning. have i mentioned that i'm excited? two days now...
this full-time work thing is a little strange. i feel like my life is suddenly devoted to this place and i'm barely getting anything else done. yeah, i do have some time after work, but i'm usually pretty tired. i make a little supper, eat, and maybe watch a little t.v., then by the time i feel like i have any energy again, i turn around and it's nine o'clock. i guess i can't expect to be adjusted to it after the second day, though. i'm sure i'll find my routine again pretty soon. anyway, i suppose i should stop complaining about how much time i don't have and get off of xanga. we're making creams tomorrow--kinda excited about that. later.