a thrill of hope...
i think my emotions are broken. they keep doing their own thing without consulting me first. the good news is that i officially have health insurance through work, so i wonder if a trip to the corner head shrinker would be covered. that'd be nice. i should check that out.
i love josh groban's christmas cd. it's awesome. except it doesn't have "oh holy night" on it, which is my favorite christmas song, so i had to burn a copy with it on there. all's well now.
i made an incredible chicken and potato soup tonight. it would have been perfect if there hadn't been a freak heat wave that took us into the 70s today. but we're supposed to have snow on thanksgiving day, so it's all good. yeah, the high tomorrow is 43. that's missouri for you. and in case you were wondering, yes, the weather does directly affect the taste of soup. i made bananas foster last night because i'd never made them before and i wanted to try it. it was insanely fun. and i definitely singed off half the hair on my right hand and set off the fire alarms in the first floor of the house. but it tasted pretty good (the dessert, not the singed hair--definitely didn't taste that, but it smelled funny). i don't really like bananas, though. i should have thought of that first.
i want to write again.
i want one of these. anyone want to get me a christmas present? it looks awesome. unfortunately it will have to come down in price by about $349.99 for me to be able to think about splurging on it. but it's still cool.
i love the title of this post. it has nothing to do with the post itself except i was listening to the aforementioned favorite christmas song when i began typing and those words jumped out at me. they're so perfect. especially for me, right now. i really am crazy. but i get to drive home on wednesday night and i'm really looking forward to having a couple days off. i'm really hoping that it will be nice. anyway, i need sleep. take care all.