off-white counts...
what a week. haha. i was about to give up on humanity on wednesday night. full moon and senior citizen discount day (generally acknowledged by all in the store to be the absolute worst day of the week -- old people really suck) and the fact that it was three days before christmas was a dangerous mixture. all three of us in customer service were cussed out at least once, and certainly by no fault of ours. for the most part we do our jobs really well. sure, there are occasional mistakes, usually easily fixed, but this wasn't the case here. the people were just uber bitchy. and i mean i wouldn't have been surprised if some of them snarled and showed fangs with blood dripping from them. it took a few episodes of true blood and some irish hot chocolate with a little extra irish to calm me down that night. last night was better, though. hella busy and i had to stay an extra half hour because people wouldn't let me close, but certainly not as evil. actually, it was much different. there was one guy that came in, handed me $300, and told me to ring up six gift cards with $50 each and give them to people who looked like they could use a little extra christmas cheer. certainly replenished some of my own.
it's kinda lovely out, but i only say that while i'm warm indoors and not driving. i hate winter driving. my good friend a.j. surprised me at work last night. he lives in iowa but is home for christmas. it's a little funny to me that all my jewish friends celebrate christmas. ;) anyway, we were going to get lunch today but because of the weather decided to postpone until breakfast monday, so that was the only drawback of the snow for me. we didn't get a lot, but it still has that peaceful effect. and the kittehs are being all snuggly. and i'm wrapping presents now, so that's always fun. makes it more imminent somehow.
doing better, i think. slowly grappling my way back to some semblance of sanity. i've eaten too many christmas cookies, though, and i need to do some major cardio. maybe i'll get some in during the doctor who marathon tomorrow. :)
i hope you're all well, that you're feeling warm and happy and loved, and that all the usual worries and frustrations will give way to the real magic of the season. merry christmas!