snow daze...
gotta love stupid titles. anyway. today was a snow day for me. the paycheck will suffer a little for it, but the break was welcome. definitely hate winter driving, though. yesterday i braved it in my mother's all-wheel drive suv, going all grandma-style on that snow's ass. no problems, but the two hours of driving thoroughly stressed me out. i went to the gym after work anyway, just because i'm trying to take a "no excuses" approach, and i was happy i did. titties and tris yesterday, and they's goood sore. my boss called me this morning, though, saying that they were so slow i could stay home if i didn't feel like driving, and the roads were worse today, so i was glad for it. working tomorrow night, though, and gym again after, but the grandma style seems to work for me. except at the gym. but yeah, i'm already antsy for spring.
it was a pretty snow. or at least the stuff i was able to enjoy while lounging in my warm pajamas from the comfort of home.
snagged a date for the christmas party this weekend. good ol' toby. haven't seen him in a while, so i'm excited for that. i'm sure there are still a few at work who remain in denial about my preferences, so the tall blond surfer dude should help with that. but someone said it's supposed to snow again this weekend. pfft. oh, says it won't. fingers crossed.
finished off christmas on sunday with the regular extended family since we couldn't get everyone together at the usual time. seems like it gets more difficult every year to pull it together, and i admire those who won't give up on it, namely my mother. i admit i wasn't terribly disappointed that i had to leave early to go to work, though. all my cousins are popping out babies left and right and there were a half dozen bouncing/screaming/slobbering two-year-olds all over the place. and then there's the sense that we're all doing it just because it's what good families are supposed to do at such times of the year. we all live within ten miles of each other, give or take a few, and holidays are about the only times we see the bulk of them. yeah, we're a pretty close-knit group. the funny thing is -- i miss it. i hope my future husperson, if he exists, has a family i can adopt.
and that's about all there is to report from my exciting life. hope you're all well. i'm gonna go read now.