time for an update...
well, i got the job! they called yesterday morning and made the offer. it was a decent offer -- not ideal, but reasonable. definitely more than i've ever made before. and there's been a noticeable decrease in stress levels now that i know what's going on. i'm excited. still nervous, sure, and it's going to be bittersweet leaving the few friends that i've made over the last eleven months, but i've been craving new experience and a change of scenery. and i'm really looking forward to having a regular schedule with a regular time to go to the gym and a regular time to write. which is huge.
is it silly that i'm really looking forward to this gym? haha. i am kinda frustrated that i've started gaining weight again. i'm not sure if it was a result of a terrible diet while in branson or the emphasis on strength training (i try not to step on the scale very often), but i've gained three pounds since the last time. my waist is noticeably slimmer and someone even called me skinny the other day (i still wouldn't use that word), so i'm hoping it's muscle. my muscles aren't that much bigger, but i'm certainly stronger than i was. i've only increased my bench by about 20 pounds over the last 3 months, but i'm already two plates from the bottom of the stack on the cable bicep curl at my regular workout level. i'm nervous to start doing free weights again, but i'm going to have to before too long. i really need to start working on diet, though. my diet hasn't been bad by any means (i say this while munching a 100% whole wheat fig newton -- like the whole wheat makes that much of a difference), but i really need to change things up in order to find that six-pack again. but that's another reason i'm looking forward to raleigh. i have control over my diet here, sure, but buying my own food will help a lot. but enough of that.
i'd write more, but it's time for work. lots to do yet. i move in three weeks! crazy!