go postle.

pardon my dust. i'm turning it into glitter.

Hi, I'm Chris. If you subscribe to the MBTI, I'm an INFJ. I put myself through school for a seemingly useless English/Creative Writing degree, but writing is my passion and that's what I want to do when I grow up. Still figuring out what comes next, and pretty much everything else, so I'm feeling kinda adventurous. And yes, that's exactly how my OkCupid profile starts out. Why mess with a good thing, eh?

The site's a work in progress. I'll be adding content over time, and hopefully eventually it'll evolve into something halfway interesting. I'm glad you're still reading, though. Usually by this point I have to show a little skin to keep 'em interested.

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feeling the fool...

       the second part of this month's kween_of_the_queens writing challenge follows. this might get dangerous, lol.

Challenge B: That's right, my loyal subjects, it's April Fool's Day. To celebrate, I'd like you to tell me about those things that make you feel foolish. Another list! 25 things on this one, too! Or perhaps you'd like to take it in a different direction? Perhaps you'd like to talk about your favorite April Fool's prank that you've pulled or fell victim to or heard about instead.

  1. falling in love with someone. le sigh.
  2. "forgetting" something that's on my head/face/body. for example, i was at the gym over christmas break and as i was leaving i freaked out because i couldn't find my beanie. i retraced my steps only to find it ... yeah, on my head. i do that with my glasses quite often. even when they're in their proper place. you know... right in front of my eyes.
  3. attractive men. one of countless examples: today there was this guy at my sandwich shop who decided to get up and walk across the room to fill up his soda just as i was putting a sandwich in the toaster oven. i definitely missed the toaster. ham and bacon all over the place.
  4. reading the same page half a dozen times without realizing it. i used to do this with dickens a lot. 
  5. being nearly 27 and completely lacking any sort of professional career or even a plan for one. 
  6. when i unintentionally make off-hand remarks that hurt people i care about.
  7. waving back at someone only to realize they were waving at someone behind me. this happens all. the. time. it's almost to the point where i just ignore everyone now in the likely case that it's not me they're saying "hi" to.
  8. when former professors or classmates come into my sandwich shop and see how far my degree has taken me. there's one guy who comes in fairly regularly, and i'm convinced it's just to gloat. even though he probably doesn't have a clue who i am.
  9. this one, like number 7, is probably pretty universal, but i do it alot -- the whole walking into a room and having no idea what you were doing there thing.
  10. when i forget that my walls aren't soundproof and start belting it along with celine dion or the glee sountrack.

more coming. eventually.

giddy with glee...

       so i'm going to try it again, this whole challenge thing. this one is from kween_of_the_queens. check it out. ;)

Challenge A: What gives you Glee? Seriously. What makes you happy? What are the things thing that would give you a full blown patronus or that would make you dance around in your pajamas during a raging thunderstorm singing and twirling with draperies? Let's go for a list. We haven't had one of those in a while. 25 things that make you giddy with glee. Aaaand... go!

  1. raindrops on roses
  2. whiskers on kittens
  3. bright copper kettles

       oh... you mean i have to come up with my own? dammit. fine then. in no particular order:

  1. books. well, this one might be in order. i'm a big fan. really big.
  2. writing. more of a love/hate thing here. well, an always love but not always like thing. but it's what i want to do. for some reason.
  3. friends. especially the ones that actually like me.
  4. music. it rocks. even the non-rocky stuff.
  5. midnight releases. i've dressed up once. didn't add much. but i love these. i hope i'm never too old for them.
  6. concerts. haven't been in too long. they used to depress me. they still make me a little nostalgic.
  7. theater. awesomeness on a stage.
  8. movies. it's like the theater. except it's on a screen. and you can get them with subtitles.
  9. ice cream sandwiches. oh me. more like orgasm sandwiches. i like making my own, too, with chocolate chip cookies. but the store-bought chocolate wafer ones are just as amazing.
  10. thunderstorms. because they go "BOOM!" like dynamite.
  11. hot showers. often more than one. often the favorite parts of my day.
  12. kittens. though he's not much of a kitten anymore. he cuddles with me. =)
  13. travel. i haven't been on a proper trip in almost a decade. sad sad. but i love them. love road trips. and i want to be able to travel someday.
  14. glee. the emotion is good, but i'm definitely talking about the tv show. i'm so freaking excited for the 13th. i'm throwing a party. =)
  15. cuddling. i'm kind of a cuddle whore.
  16. boys. let's face it: i'm boy crazy. and it's wonderful to be able to say that.
  17. british accents. david is one of my best friends (alas, haven't met him yet) and he has an amazing voice. seriously sounds like jude law. i love skyping with him. why does that sound dirty? hm... probably because i want it to. ;) now he'll never want to do it again. =( anyway. i have a slight hope that my husband will have a british accent.
  18. exercise. maybe i'm weird, but i love it. lifting, running, what have you. especially long walks. love 'em. beach not required. company is nice, but also not required.
  19. getting things in the mail. i'm an amazon.com and netflix junkie, so i usually know when things are coming (because i track their progress religiously), but it's also nice when they get there early. surprise packages/letters are the best, but i usually only get those from my mom. she thinks i'm special.
  20. cooking. i like it a lot. i should go help my mom with lunch, actually. =)
  21. teaching. some things. not school, really, though i've never tried it, but i like teaching people how to do things or about things. recently i've been teaching a friend how to sing. and it's fun.
  22. crosswords. i love a good crossword.
  23. chocolate eggs. or just chocolate in general. yummy stuff.
  24. mania. i'm a bit bipolar, so sometimes i can't help it when i feel all giddy. sometimes it's nice, for a change.
  25. stars. i'm home in kansas city for the weekend and my parents live a little bit out in the country. last night was the first time i've seen stars in ages. it was wonderful. =)

click! take the challenge! you know you want to...

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