go postle.

pardon my dust. i'm turning it into glitter.

Hi, I'm Chris. If you subscribe to the MBTI, I'm an INFJ. I put myself through school for a seemingly useless English/Creative Writing degree, but writing is my passion and that's what I want to do when I grow up. Still figuring out what comes next, and pretty much everything else, so I'm feeling kinda adventurous. And yes, that's exactly how my OkCupid profile starts out. Why mess with a good thing, eh?

The site's a work in progress. I'll be adding content over time, and hopefully eventually it'll evolve into something halfway interesting. I'm glad you're still reading, though. Usually by this point I have to show a little skin to keep 'em interested.

Filtering by Tag: autumn

yes, i'm an emotional being...

       so i was a bit emotional the other day. thanks to all for your words of encouragement and calling me out on my illogical-ness. unfortunately it happens more often than i'd like to admit. yes, i have a job, and that's a good thing. with some luck and a slight stretch of the imagination i may even be able to get my own place before too long. i've just decided to set my goal as christmas, but we shall see. i won't be paid that much and i don't know how many hours i'll be able to get.

       i went in today for a pee test and i passed, so that was good. no, i wasn't worried. i was told to go in at two but things were pushed back and they couldn't see me until three, so i sat in the parking lot (it's a freaking beautiful day today) and read a little and chatted a bit. i decided to read over some of what i have written thus far in this historical fiction/fantasy that i've been working on, and i was very pleasantly surprised that i kinda got lost in it. granted, i created the world and it already exists fairly well-formed in my mind, but i don't think i've ever had that happen before when reading my own stuff. it really took me off guard when i kinda snapped out of it. so i'm taking that as a good sign.

       i've opened the windows in the house and i'm just reveling in this weather. low seventies and breezy and autumny. always my favorite time of year. and i just found an apartment i want. not the one downtown that i was looking at earlier, but closer to good ol' hy-vee in independence. i need a roommate, though. any takers?

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