yes, i'm an emotional being...
so i was a bit emotional the other day. thanks to all for your words of encouragement and calling me out on my illogical-ness. unfortunately it happens more often than i'd like to admit. yes, i have a job, and that's a good thing. with some luck and a slight stretch of the imagination i may even be able to get my own place before too long. i've just decided to set my goal as christmas, but we shall see. i won't be paid that much and i don't know how many hours i'll be able to get.
i went in today for a pee test and i passed, so that was good. no, i wasn't worried. i was told to go in at two but things were pushed back and they couldn't see me until three, so i sat in the parking lot (it's a freaking beautiful day today) and read a little and chatted a bit. i decided to read over some of what i have written thus far in this historical fiction/fantasy that i've been working on, and i was very pleasantly surprised that i kinda got lost in it. granted, i created the world and it already exists fairly well-formed in my mind, but i don't think i've ever had that happen before when reading my own stuff. it really took me off guard when i kinda snapped out of it. so i'm taking that as a good sign.
i've opened the windows in the house and i'm just reveling in this weather. low seventies and breezy and autumny. always my favorite time of year. and i just found an apartment i want. not the one downtown that i was looking at earlier, but closer to good ol' hy-vee in independence. i need a roommate, though. any takers?