go postle.

pardon my dust. i'm turning it into glitter.

Hi, I'm Chris. If you subscribe to the MBTI, I'm an INFJ. I put myself through school for a seemingly useless English/Creative Writing degree, but writing is my passion and that's what I want to do when I grow up. Still figuring out what comes next, and pretty much everything else, so I'm feeling kinda adventurous. And yes, that's exactly how my OkCupid profile starts out. Why mess with a good thing, eh?

The site's a work in progress. I'll be adding content over time, and hopefully eventually it'll evolve into something halfway interesting. I'm glad you're still reading, though. Usually by this point I have to show a little skin to keep 'em interested.

Filtering by Tag: rambly

thinking about baseball...

       wow, i'm tired. not a bad kind of tired -- just the "i really should have gone to bed earlier" kind. but i went to see "unstoppable" with my dad last night, which is possibly the first time i've been to a movie alone with my father, now that i think of it. i wasn't terribly excited about the movie, but it turned out to be quite good. well told and fairly suspenseful. i wouldn't buy it, though. after you know what happens it's like... ok, i'm good now. then when i got home i realized i had a true blood disc waiting for me and i wanted to mail it off today so of course i had to watch that too. it wasn't that late by the time i went to bed, but i had to get up for work this morning. and as a result you get a whole paragraph on why i'm tired.

       sitting in starbucks now, sipping my grande half caff nonfat no whip white mocha, hoping it will wake me up enough to get some writing done, but i'm beginning to doubt. just not feeling sharp enough. maybe i'll have a nap later then try again tonight. yeah, this book will never be finished. wow, eddie izzard just walked in. seriously, he looks just like him. and finn's here, of course. i don't know if i've mentioned him here before, perhaps in a pulse, but there's a barista that looks just like finn from glee. makes for an enjoyable coffee experience when i'm surrounded by my celebrities and rambling in another pointless xanga post. almost even makes me feel like a real writer.

       i wonder if there's anything interesting i can say. can't really think of anything. nothing new happening. i'm getting quite bored, actually. i haven't been out properly since my date with mark a week before halloween. oh, no, ryan was up from columbia last weekend and we walked around the mall a bit then went to krispy kreme. first time i'd been there since i've been back. really good, of course, but now i can't go for another five years. so not good for me. ...not like starbucks. it was really good to see him, though. kinda felt like i had friends again. it's fun to watch him squirm at my sordid tales.

       still trying to keep up hope. increasingly difficult, that. it's a slow leak, though -- just a trickle. the computer helped, strangely. it's a lot of fun. but the season is a bittersweet thing. i've always loved christmas and haven't had a proper one in a while. last year i was an emotional mess with coming out to my family (a year already!). the year before was an emotional mess with starting to come out period. now that my mind is free to wander a bit it isn't my sexuality but my singularity to which my thoughts return. what, like there's something to think about other than myself? it really sucks being a fifth wheel in my family, though. and i miss cuddling. i'm just ready to be there. if "settled down" isn't the right phrase it's awfully close. my dreams are simple enough. just damn near impossible.

       randomness ensues.

       i bought another month at match.com. haha. someone sent me an email about a month ago and it's been hounding me since to subscribe to be able to read it. i've done a month here and there, maybe two or three in the last year and a half. received a text this morning that i had another email, though, so i broke down. turns out both were from the same guy, if you can call him that. i'm skeptical of his humanity. no picture, bad english, and almost the exact text in both. now i feel obligated to say that people who speak imperfect english and opt to remain anonymous are not necessarily inhuman. or so i'm told. but i was disheartened. and remain frustrated that the people i'm attracted to are usually not the ones attracted to me, and the ones that are attracted to me are not the ones i'm attracted to. *sigh* so just to contradict everything i've been talking about here, i'm not sure if i'd be ready for a relationship anyway. so there.

       i was closing the other night. thursday. it was a slow night and i was leaning against the rear counter of customer service, watching the front end (more entertaining than you'd expect) and letting my mind wander, when santa claus caught my eye, walked over, and told me to smile. it was weird. he was wearing denim overalls and a white t-shirt, but he was the best damn santa i've ever seen. he told me that it was the christmas season, that it was magical, and that there was no reason not to smile. and it was rather magical. i wasn't frowning on purpose. just thinking. but he made me laugh.

       there's this guy that i've seen here in starbucks several times. at first we'd catch each other looking at the other. finally he approached a few weeks ago and we exchanged pleasantries. no, not like that. we both recognized each other from the church days. bumped into him again tonight and we ended up talking for about an hour about nothing in particular, him neglecting his studying, me my rambly xanga post. i'm not really tired anymore, so now i can write, but i was made acutely aware how much more socially awkward i've become this summer. i tend to withdraw, my world becomes internal, three-quarters fantasy and one-quarter automated. i forget how to speak, and my tongue trips on itself more often. i like my fantasy world, though. it's kinda like "the girl who loved tom gordon." i have my own tom gordon. no, it's not actually tom gordon. i won't tell you who my tom gordon is. but he keeps me alive.

       k, now to write.

binge and purge...

       i swam tonight. now i'm polishing off the last piece of the coldstone peanut butter and chocolate ice cream cake left from my birthday. and i just saw this recipe for guinness chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and i think that sounds amazing too (i'm all for crunchy p.b., but i'd definitely use creamy in this recipe). yeah, that's how i roll. hopefully not literally. i blame bad genes a lot, and sure, they're probably a factor. i'm the skinniest person in my family, after all, and no one has used that particular word to describe me since the ninth grade. but i hate myself a little more with every scrumptious bite.

       i'm starting to worry about my increasing tendency to fantasize. i'll often start with good intentions, thinking about how i want a particular scene to feel (i've been writing more), but then my mind will wander and i'll end up getting very little done. i seem to have the most success when i get out of the house and find a nice air-conditioned spot in town to sit and sip and saturate myself in these little worlds i'm trying to create, but doing that becomes a chore since the closest decent place i could go is a twenty minute drive one way so i usually try to make an afternoon of it and there's rarely time for that and while i'm there i have to write it all by hand anyway, which is slow going.... so most of the stuff i do is right here at home, later in the evening after my parents are asleep. and even still i can't focus. instead of creating these lives on paper i end up making up my own entirely fictitious life in my head. today, for example, 'he' came home from a long day at work and we just cuddled on the sofa and talked before deciding to order some chinese. i also had an interview with anderson cooper and a meeting with my editor who really liked the last chapter i submitted but thinks its starting to get a little too predictable.

       yeah, i'm one of those crazy writers. except i can't really be called a writer since i don't write, so i guess that just leaves the crazy part. once again, excellent boyfriend material.

       worked on the deck a little today. i don't remember if i've mentioned that before? we're building a pool deck. well, mostly it's my dad building the pool deck and i help out on occasion. mostly i've just been doing dirt work and measuring angles and cutting wood, but today i also did a little work on the short stone retaining wall going against the dirt that was dug out to level the area for the pool. yeah, it's not a cool in-ground one. just a big above-ground. i figured the wall would go up pretty quickly, but it ended up taking me a very frustrating hour to set four of the base stones, and it turned out i did them wrong anyway. i was under the impression that i was to level each stone with the stone preceding it, when actually i was supposed to level the stones with the deck piers that the wall runs around and between. which doesn't make a lot of sense to me. but whatevs.

       i know, completely pointless post. but when have i ever actually said something with my writing? sometimes it's just good to ramble on, though -- to get it out. yeah, don't worry, i'll never use this blog as part of a portfolio, no matter how desperate.


       it's official. i'm old. twenty-seven does seem a somewhat sexier number than twenty-six, though. it's a little more adult, somehow -- the age of having things figured out and being on the way to achieving dreams ...and such. and for some reason when i think of a twenty-seven year old guy "hotness" springs to mind. haha. ahem. well, i have successfully kick-started my old exercise program, at least. similar to the one i was using four years ago (geez) when i had abs like marky mark. well, maybe not quite that good. but not too far off. and i'm very close to breaking into the 150s again, which i haven't been in well, about 4 years. yes, i'm trying to get myself amped up and all optimistic about achieving goals. i feel kinda old, and the rogaine in my medicine cabinet doesn't help. it's called overcompensation. not quite mid-life crisis, but a little too old to be quarter-life. i did that one already with the whole gay thing. i'm not sure i want to know what the mid-life one's going to be like.

       my parents took me shopping for my birthday. i got a pair of shoes -- slip-ons, because i hate laces. went to three stores and none of them had the shoes i was looking for, but they had the same style in a different color so i settled for those. $50 as opposed to the $70 to get the others online. and i got... underwear. lol. i needed it, though. i'm experimenting with v-neck t-shirts because i think they're really hot. i guess the person wearing them kinda determines that, but hey -- i can pretend. at least i'm not a 300-pound girl wearing a mini-skirt and a tube top. that image was meant to distract from the one of me in a v-neck. hope it worked. but they're giving me the rest of my gift in cash because i'm a poor, jobless twenty-seven year old living with his parents. excellent boyfriend material.

       have to get up early tomorrow morning. 6am. haven't been up that early since the strawberry-dunking loneliness-inducing hell week commonly referred to as valentine's day. but i'm going to the doctor. and i'm excited. what i thought last week was fluke allergies has turned out to be a full-blown uber-nasty eye infection from hell. any contributing member of society would have had it taken care of by now, but since i'm the afore-mentioned jobless (and thus insurance-less) twenty-seven year old living with his parents i had to wait for an appointment at a clinic in lexington (30 miles away) that charges on a sliding scale and will thus treat me, drugs included (i think/hope), for a grand total of ten dollars. thus far my eye hasn't fallen out or anything, to the disappointment of a few friends who keep mentioning something about an eye-patch and "arrrgh." which, i admit, is a titillating thought. especially if i was wearing a v-neck t-shirt and i got that ear-piercing that i've been coveting.

       it's been a good day, though. tomorrow we're celebrating with my bro and his wifey at the cheesecake factory, which is always fun. what was that about a 300-pound girl? i meant me, not the wifey. and if the eye is any better i may drag a certain boy to a certain dance club on saturday. i've had britney spears and celine dion in my head all day. it's time.

       also time for bed. but how are all of you? big plans for the weekend?


       <edit> oh! i almost forgot! netflix gave me an awesome bday present today with the release of their iphone app! so now i can watch streaming videos on my iphone! woohoo! seriously, it rocks. now google just needs to release an editable version of google docs for iphone and my life will be complete. </edit>

bit rambly, not much going on...

       wow. it's been a while. for a few things, but we'll not get into that. not too much to report, really. went to the dentist last wednesday and my dentist still calls me his most boring patient ever (never had a cavity or braces or such things). and that was the first time i've been in 3 years. umm... what else... got an email from the freelance peeps i've been trying to get on board with doing local restaurant reviews. they said they were impressed with my writing and would like me to head up the section on lgbt business and news instead. so that's cool. it's not finalized -- they wanted more writing samples that would be relevant, so i've been working on that. need to get on that, actually. my cousin came to visit last weekend and we went downtown. my first time to westport since i've been back. good times. and i've been chatting up several applicants for new friend positions that desperately need to be filled. met one today (didn't go so hot). meeting another tomorrow (fingers crossed). my parents got a pool. it's currently being filled. looking forward to that. oh, and for the first time in nearly a decade i had a successful long-hand writing attempt while sitting in the mcdonalds on 291 and 24 in independence. i was in need of some coffee/wi-fi/writing therapy after the not so hot friend meeting today. got a solid page out.

       i miss my friends in columbia. one of those is moving soon, a little closer, temporarily, then far far away eventually, to new york city where he'll become great, i'm sure. hopefully we'll get a chance or two to hang out before that happens. i'm going to visit some of the others in mid-august, so i'm really looking forward to that. and i'm starting to ramble. i should go get some things done. how are all y'all doing?

day twenty-nine. hopes, dreams, and plans for the next 365 days.

       not sure. everything's been shuffled lately, so i've been trying to figure that out, too, but at the same time i've been somewhat overwhelmed by the need to figure things out. i'd like to get a good job. i never really thought i'd say that. i've been hoping for so long that i'd finally finish the next great american novel and be able to support myself while working on the next great after that, but i haven't been doing very well with that. so i need a job. and an apartment. i'd really like a place in midtown, i think. they have some nice apartments there. i still don't really want to end up in kc, but right now i don't have too many options, and kc's really not that bad a city. and i need a boyfriend. working on that one. and i'd like to lose another 15 pounds or so. and i need to write. then i'll worry about what comes after that.

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