God and AK-47s...
I was recently sent a link to this video of the CNN American Morning interview with the owner of a truck dealership in Missouri who has decided to give out vouchers for free AK-47s with the purchase of a truck. Go back and read that sentence again. Free AK-47s. Yup. All in the name of -- you guessed it -- The Almighty. A fairly effective marketing strategy, apparently, at least for rural Bates County, Missouri (about an hour south of my hometown, Kansas City). The comment that accompanied the link was essentially, "He sure gave her what for!" which I found rather interesting since in my opinion he still came out looking, well, like a hick.
Please don't get me wrong. I believe that the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution is quite important. It was not only necessary at the time it was ratified, but it also shows wisdom in recognizing (among other things) that a government could become too powerful and that the final checks and balances would have to be in the hands of *shudders* the people. However, I also believe it is one of the most abused privileges that United Statesians* have. Being the opportunistic capitalists that we are, we've created a disgustingly large industry surrounding firearms, complete with its own disgustingly large not-for-profit. Black sheep that I am, I'm probably the only person in my family who doesn't own a gun of some sort. Hmm... no, not even a water gun, which is a little sad. My brother, however, owns at least a half dozen of the real sort. At least he'll tell you that it's just a hobby, and not a cheap one.
"I believe [Jesus] would carry a sword if he needed it, but he was so powerful he didn't need any weapon." Yeah, I won't get started on that. But what do you think (all two of you that will respond)? Would you call shenanigans on this guy? Is it irresponsibility? I wonder if he actually believes that God wants people to own guns or if he's just trying to justify and defend his shoddy business practices. Should Jesus have given up his evangelical ways to pursue a career as a samurai? Discuss.
*I very much dislike the use of the word "American" to refer solely to residents of the United States to the exclusion of all other residents of North, Central, and South America. I'm only half serious about this, but it is somewhat grating. It's not my word, so feel free to use it. Maybe it will catch on, just like goiterific.