i'm very happy to announce that after much pain and suffering my spanish final is behind me. actually, it wasn't that bad, but we'll see how it really was in a couple weeks. so now all we have is a paper plus a makeup exam that i really don't need to do, but i'm an overachiever and like to get as many points as possible. so there. still this bittersweetness that lingers everywhere. weird. haven't really had a chance to take advantage of the finals week, though. it's usually my favorite part and i've spent most of it actually working or being bored because everyone else was working. went to see a movie tonight, though, so that was good. i enrolled for my summer class. did i say that already? i don't remember. it's independent study, which is different from even the other online classes i've had before. i actually do everything on my time. there's no class. i have nine months to complete the course. so that shouldn't be too bad. even if i want to do something, i dislike being forced to do it, so i have a feeling that i'll be finishing this well before the deadline. it's like a minimum six weeks, though. cracks me up.
anything else? i don't know. my mind is a little befuddled by sleep deprivation, too much sleep, too much thinking in a language that i'm not used to thinking in, and the pretty blues and yellows of this best buy reward zone card in front of me. i'm in a shopping mood. too bad i haven't had a job since...hmm...spring break. i've decided to take the next week off, though and settle into summer. then comes work. 'twill be good, i say. hope all is well with everyone out there in xangaland and with those who've gone beyond to the mystical realms of facebooktown or myspaceville. yes, it's past my bedtime. sweet dreams.