snow day!
this is so awesome! sixteen inches of snow, they're now saying is the official amount of snow we received last night. i was supposed to work at seven this morning, woke up around five-thirty/six and looked outside to see everything covered! even my window (second story) had a drift covering the bottom foot or so (there's about a two and a half foot drift on our garage), and i looked out at my car and noticed i could only just see the tops of my headlights. so i went back to bed. i called my boss first, though, who said not to even try until at least the road crews come through. i'm hoping they take a while, especially since they're probably still working on the interstate, which was closed! mu canceled classes for the first time in eleven years, so everyone's all excited. might have a party later.
last night the guys here sat down and watched "superman returns" with a few pizzas. very nice. i was worried about having to wake up early, so i went to bed right after the movie ended. the others were so loud, though, i couldn't sleep. when i went down to ask them to keep it down a little, i decided that work probably wasn't going to happen, so we had some fun. including running around the house in just shorts and a t-shirt (brandon decided he didn't need the t-shirt, even, and took a nice little roll in the snow). my toes got a little cold. there were other guys playing football in the road, and still more people down the street playing around. it was fun.
i think i'm going to write some now...for fun. how long has it been since i've done that? i'm really enjoying this. and i really hope the plows take their time. wherever you are, be safe, if you had the same thing. enjoy it. later, friends!