go postle.

pardon my dust. i'm turning it into glitter.

Hi, I'm Chris. If you subscribe to the MBTI, I'm an INFJ. I put myself through school for a seemingly useless English/Creative Writing degree, but writing is my passion and that's what I want to do when I grow up. Still figuring out what comes next, and pretty much everything else, so I'm feeling kinda adventurous. And yes, that's exactly how my OkCupid profile starts out. Why mess with a good thing, eh?

The site's a work in progress. I'll be adding content over time, and hopefully eventually it'll evolve into something halfway interesting. I'm glad you're still reading, though. Usually by this point I have to show a little skin to keep 'em interested.

jumping on the bandwagon...


So, here's the deal: Just by looking at the picture of me above (oh god, please don't look), try to answer the following questions. (Don't take into account what you know about me currently. Try to answer for the time you think you see in the picture.) Whatever, no one's actually following these directions. Do what you want.

1. Do you think I have a significant other?

2. Do you think I am happy or sad on the inside?

3. Do you think I am a virgin?

4. How old do you think I was when I had my first kiss?

5. How many relationships do you think I've had?

6. Do you think I'm shy or loud?

7. Do you think I was a good kid in school, a rebel, or a skank?

8. Do you think I've ever smoked weed?

9. Do you think I'm hiding something?

10. How old do you think I look?

11. Do I look mature or immature?

12. What kind of music do you think I'm into?

13. Do you think I have any body piercings?

Give your best guess as to what the answers are. I'll post the answers later. If I feel like it.

Copyright © 2024 C. S. Postlethwait