day six...
i think i'm going to stop counting these and just try to maintain the every day thing as much as possible. i missed yesterday, but i have lots of excuses. i was studying all day and getting homework done and doing some major grocery shopping. i spent $250 at wally world on groceries. i know. i don't get many chances to go shopping over the summer, being devoid of a street-legal vehicle and very nearly friendless while everyone's home enjoying themselves, so i stocked up on the non-perishables. i have about 30lbs. of flour in my cabinets right now. haha. should last me a little while, i hope. had my first exam in over two years this morning. went really well, but i nearly had a panic attack before. i've been going crazy over this class. i've been putting it off for too long, but i finally enrolled last june (it's an online independent study). it expires the end of the month, so of course i waited until a month before it expired to start work on it. yes, it's my own fault. so over the last week and a half and for the next two weeks i'm writing about three papers a week and immersing myself in british lit. the last section, romanticism, was fun, but now i'm into the victorian period and it's not so much. bleh. i have a paper due in a few hours that i'm procrastinating (yes, i'm the king).
everyone's leaving me this week. all my online friends have left me already. he's avoiding me like the plague, he's limiting his internet and trying to sleep, she's doing the whole family thing (which is awesome), she's never online anymore, and he's moving and getting settled and is otherwise... preoccupied. i didn't mean to leave anyone out, but those are the ones i talk to most. now my real friends are leaving, too. not that i ever emerged from my apartment anyway. i just don't want this summer to be like the last two. things are a bit different now, granted, and i've resolved to spend as much time on my trail as possible. the piano time will be nice, and i'm sure i'll get a lot of reading done, but... it's going to be quiet.
- doing well on exams, signifying no serious mental atrophy.
- character foils that make me realize that i know what i want even if it seems impossibly out of reach.
- booby-trapped cupboards.
now to work! later! (i mean later to you, not the work. bah.)