tired, a little sore, a little burned (not horribly--i was being daring in spf 15), a little broke, and thoroughly content. went camping/floating with several friends from rcm this weekend. big group, actually, which was wonderful. i usually don't take to big groups (and this time was still a little weird), but i often find myself a little lost in the crowd. i still prefer my small groups where we can stick together. but it was good. humbling also, i should add. nothing like a day in swim trunks showing off your fat white self to motivate a person. my buddy brandon was complaining about how much weight he's gained over the summer (five more than i've gained, actually), and i wanted to punch him right in his six-pack. ahh. i had one of those once. so not fair.
not quite sure how many times i clicked that little "new weblog entry" button over the last couple weeks then either wrote something and deleted it or stared at the blank space for a few minutes realizing that what i was about to say was completely pointless. much like this entry in that respect. *sigh* how do you chronicle life? emotion? crazy persons like myself? i've been seeing the truth to that last statement lately. trust me, you don't want to know any more than you already do. but sometimes i wish that our society was open and honest enough that i would be able to. hmm. i kinda miss columbia, where i had someone a door away to talk to. i'm almost ready to go back.
been keeping up the reading. finished the artemis fowl series. enjoyed those much, but i still have a few minor complaints. not big enough to list. currently working on george macdonald's "at the back of the north wind" which i've really liked, but am having some difficulty so far in figuring it out. not quite halfway through, though. on the docket i have some isabel allende (eva luna and house of spirits), a. a. milne, jane austen, and christianna brand. i should probably throw something from my summer class in there, too. hmm. might be good.
one or two of you may be interested to learn that i have completed the second chapter of my book. yes, i think i will congratulate myself on this great achievement. as my friend put it, "you're really moving along there, aren't you?" (three guesses who that was). yes, it's taken me approximately a year and a half to complete two chapters. i'm not sure why this one was so difficult to write, but it was a pain in the tuchus. i don't think i spelled that correctly. anyway, it's about twice as long as the first and i absolutely love it. the dialogue still has an old nobody-talks-like-that-anymore feel to it that needs to be worked out in revision, but it's to a point where i can confidently move on to the third. now those who are not included in that one-or-two-who-may-be-interested group will be relieved to hear that i don't think i'm going to post this one. not even on tenebra_ruo, especially after the overwhelming response of one comment i received for the first. yeah, thanks for the support, guys.
i really hope it's not another two weeks before my next. i'm sure you'll all hold your breath. sorry i haven't been around, though. hope that will change. exciting day tomorrow: laundry and mowing! lol. take care. later.